Our services

Hassle-free full service solutions

TerUsus provides different kinds of services in several domains of the telecommunications field (cfr. graphic 1)

TerUsus positioning towards a customer will mainly depend on its own organization. (cfr. graphic 2) In the left model, TerUsus will offer consulting and consultancy to the customer while in the right model, TerUsus will provide project & managed services.

graphic 1


graphic 2


We make the distinction between different service types:

Consulting & Consultancy (C&C)

By Consulting, we understand services for which TerUsus provides customers with talented & experienced profiles in function of their specific needs. More details are given in dedicated part of this website.

Consultancy refers to advice offering towards customers in terms of organization, processes, sourcing, partner selection, deployment models, RFI/RFQ edition, etc. This is generally proposed in two steps: auditing and reporting (including change proposals). TerUsus is also ready to lead or follow change implementation.

Projects & Managed Services (P&MS)

Both projects and managed services are related to obligation of results, payments on deliverables, SLA/KPIs, etc. Activities are mostly performed outside of customer’s premises. Projects is mainly related to small & medium projects with limited scope of works (SoW) while managed services refers to medium & large projects with extended scope and volume (implying subcontracting in most of the cases).

Examples of projects:

  • Site acceptance and/or certification
  • Safety checks
  • RGIE/AREI controls

Examples of managed services:

  • Site acquisition
  • Maintenance contracts
  • Cluster Radio acceptance

Need more details on content and pricing?


TerUsus bvba/sprl
Minervastraat 18
B-1930 Zaventem

T +32 (0)2 300 27 40


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